SOBA GAS Terms of Use

These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "these terms") constitute the agreement between SOBA Project, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") and customers (hereinafter referred to as "users") who use the services provided by the Company. Please be sure to confirm and agree to these terms before using our services.

Chapter 1 (General Provisions)

These terms and conditions (hereinafter referred to as "these terms") constitute the agreement between SOBA Project, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") and customers (hereinafter referred to as "users") who use the services provided by the Company. Please be sure to confirm and agree to these terms before using our services.

Article 1 (Application of the Terms)

  1. These Terms of Use for SOBA GAS (hereinafter referred to as "these terms") apply to the use of the portal site "SOBA GAS" (hereinafter referred to as "the service") operated and provided by SOBA Project, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"). By using the service, you are deemed to have accepted the contents of these terms.
  2. Various provisions such as the "Privacy Policy" separately defined by the Company shall each constitute part of these terms.
  3. If the provisions of these terms differ from or conflict with the contents of the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the provisions shall take precedence. Furthermore, unless the provisions of these terms differ from or conflict with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, these terms and other provisions shall be cumulatively applicable.
  4. Notifications issued by the Company to users in accordance with Article 3 shall constitute part of these terms.

Article 2 (Changes to the Terms)

  1. The Company may change these terms without obtaining the user's consent. In such cases, the conditions for using the service shall be governed by the revised terms of use.
  2. Unless otherwise specified by the Company, the revised terms shall take effect from the time they are posted on the service's website.

Article 3 (Notices from the Company)

  1. The Company will notify users of necessary matters as needed by posting on the service's website, sending emails, or by other methods deemed appropriate by the Company.
  2. The notifications described in the preceding paragraph shall take effect from the time they are posted on the service's website if made on the website, or from the time the email is sent if made by email.

Chapter 2 (Usage)

Article 4 (Obligations for Managing IDs and Passwords)

  1. Users shall bear full responsibility for the use and management of the IDs and passwords assigned by the Company during user registration.
  2. Users shall not allow third parties to use their IDs and passwords, nor lend, transfer, sell, etc., them.
  3. Users shall bear full responsibility for any damage resulting from inadequate management, misuse, or use by third parties of their IDs and passwords.
  4. Users shall promptly notify the Company directly and immediately if they know or suspect that their IDs and passwords have been stolen or are being used by third parties, and follow any instructions given by the Company.

Article 5 (Prohibited Acts)

  1. The following acts are prohibited when using the service. If a user violates any of these, the Company may suspend the provision of services to the user or refuse further use of the service. Additionally, if a user causes damage to the Company due to a violation, the user shall promptly compensate the Company for all such damage.
  2. Acts that harm the rights, interests, or reputation of the Company, other users, or third parties.
  3. Impersonating others to use the service, entering false information, or other fraudulent acts.
  4. Collecting personal information, including email addresses, without the consent of the individual using the service.
  5. Engaging in pyramid schemes, chain letters, solicitation emails, or sending spam emails.
  6. Acts that violate laws and regulations.
  7. Acts that go against public order and morals.
  8. Acts that infringe on the copyrights or intellectual property rights of other companies through the use of the service.
  9. Any other acts that the Company deems inappropriate.

Article 6 (Intellectual Property Rights)

  1. The service and the information provided by the Company to users are protected by copyright, trademark rights, patent rights, or other intellectual property rights and laws. Therefore, users are deemed to be aware of the following when using the service. If a user violates any of these, the Company may suspend the provision of services to the user or refuse further use of the service. Additionally, if a user causes damage to the Company due to a violation, the user shall promptly compensate the Company for all such damage.
  2. The property rights to the information (including images, sounds, texts, photos, and software) provided by the Company to users through the service belong to the Company.
  3. Users shall not copy, publish, lend, or reprint the service or software, in whole or in part, without permission.

Chapter 3 (Interruption and Termination of the Service)

Article 7 (Interruption of Service Provision)

  1. The Company may temporarily suspend the provision of the service without prior notice to users if any of the following applies.
  2. Unavoidable circumstances due to maintenance or construction of the service's facilities.
  3. Unavoidable circumstances due to a malfunction of the service's facilities.
  4. If the use of telecommunications services becomes impossible due to the services provided by Type I telecommunications carriers or other telecommunications carriers.
  5. Other cases where the Company deems a temporary suspension of the service necessary.

Article 8 (Termination of the Service)

  1. The Company may terminate the service or part of the service to users without prior notice.
  2. Even if the Company terminates the service without prior notice, the Company shall be exempt from compensation or indemnification for damages, losses, or other costs arising from the termination of the service.

Chapter 4 (Protection)

Article 9 (Confidentiality of Communications)

  1. The Company shall not disclose or leak users' personal information obtained through the provision of the service to third parties, except in the following cases.
  2. When providing personal information to subcontractors bound by contracts to appropriately manage personal information for the purpose of outsourcing necessary tasks for providing the service.
  3. When aggregating and analyzing personal information for the purpose of improving the service.
  4. When the rights related to the service are transferred, and all legal rights and obligations are inherited by the transferee.
  5. When personal information is disclosed or used with the voluntary consent of users, etc.
  6. When disclosure is required by a warrant issued by a court, other court decisions, orders, or laws and regulations.
  7. When a lawful and proper inquiry for information is received from prosecutors, police, or supervisory authorities.
  8. When the Company determines that it is necessary to protect the rights or reputation of the Company.

Article 10 (Compliance with Privacy Policy)

  1. The Company will appropriately protect personal information and comply with the privacy policy posted on the service's website.

Article 11 (Disclaimer)

  1. The Company shall not be liable for any damages or losses incurred by users in connection with the use of the service.
  2. The Company shall not be liable for any damages or losses incurred by users in the event of changes to the terms (Article 2), interruption of service provision (Article 7), or termination of the service (Article 8).
  3. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by users to other users or third parties, or any damages suffered by users from other users or third parties, in connection with the use of the service.
  4. The Company does not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, certainty, usefulness, etc., of the information obtained by users through the service, whether from other users or third parties.
  5. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by users due to system interruptions, delays, suspensions, data loss, unauthorized access to data, or any other damages related to the service.
  6. The Company does not guarantee the operation of any equipment or software used by users.
  7. Users shall manage and be responsible for any connection costs billed by telephone companies or various telecommunications carriers incurred during the use of the service, and the Company shall not provide any compensation for these costs.

Article 12 (Claims for Damages)

  1. If a user violates these terms or illegally uses the service, causing damage to the Company, the Company may claim appropriate damages (including attorney's fees) from the user.

Article 13 (Governing Law)

  1. The governing law for these terms shall be Japanese law.

Article 14 (Jurisdiction)

  1. For disputes related to these terms, the Kyoto Summary Court or the Kyoto District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance, depending on the amount of the claim.

Enacted and Effective: March 12, 2024